Changelog for zest.releaser

9.1.3 (2024-02-07)

  • Fix to the project setup. tox.ini uses extras = instead of deps = to to install the test extras. [mtelka]

9.1.2 (2024-02-05)

  • If you want to build a release package (release=true, the default), but don’t want to actually upload it, you can now set the upload-pypi option to false (default is true). [leplatrem]

9.1.1 (2023-10-11)

  • When reading ~/.pypirc config, read setup.cfg as well, as it might override some of these values, like [distutils] index-servers. Fixes issue #436. [maurits]

9.1.0 (2023-10-03)

  • Using newer ‘build’ (>=1.0.0) including a slight API change, fixes #433. [reinout]

  • Typo fix in the readme: we look at __version__ instead of the previously-documented __versions__… [reinout]

9.0.0 (2023-09-11)

  • Make final release. Nothing changed since the last beta. [maurits]

9.0.0b1 (2023-07-31)

  • When a command we call exits with a non-zero exit code, clearly state this in the output. Ask the user if she wants to continue or not. Note that this is tricky to do right. Some commands like git seem to print everything to stderr, leading us to think there are errors, but the exit code is zero, so it should be fine. We do not want to ask too many questions, but we do not want to silently swallow important errors either. [maurits]

9.0.0a3 (2023-07-25)

  • Updated contributors list.

  • Documenting hook_package_dir setting for entry points (which isn’t needed for most entry points, btw). Fixes issue 370.

  • Allowing for retry for git push, which might fail because of a protected branch. Also displaying that possible cause when it occurs. Fixes issue 385.

9.0.0a2 (2023-07-19)

  • Ignore error output when calling build. We only need to look at the exit code to see if it worked. You can call zest.releaser with --verbose if you want to see the possible warnings.

  • Removed encoding config option as nobody is using it anymore (using the option would result in a crash). Apparently it isn’t needed anymore now that we don’t use python 2 anymore. Fixes issue 391.

  • The longtest is now simpler. It runs readme_renderer and just displays the result in the browser, without error handling. twine check should be used if you want a real hard check (longtest --headless is deprecated). The advantage is that longtest now also renders markdown correctly. This adds readme_renderer[md] as dependency. Fixes issue 363.

9.0.0a1 (2023-07-13)

  • Changed build system to pypa/build instead of explicitly using setuptools.

  • Zest.releaser’s settings can now also be placed in pyproject.toml.

  • Use native namespace packages for zest.releaser, instead of deprecated pkg_resources based ones.

  • Added pre-commit config for neater code (black, flake8, isort).

  • Dropped support for python 3.7. Together with switching to build and pyproject.toml, this warrants a major version bump.

8.0.0 (2023-05-05)

  • Make final release, no changes since latest alpha. [maurits]

8.0.0a2 (2023-04-06)

  • Always create wheels, except when you explicitly switch this off in the config: [zest.releaser] create-wheel = no. If the wheel package is not available, we still do not create wheels. Fixes issue 406. [maurits]

  • Do not fail when tag versions cannot be parsed. This can happen in lasttaglog, lasttagdiff, and bumpversion, with setuptools 66 or higher. Fixes issue 408. [maurits]

8.0.0a1 (2023-02-08)

  • Drop support for Python 3.6. [maurits]

  • Support reading and writing the version in pyproject.toml. See issue 295, issue 373, and PEP-621, [maurits]

7.3.0 (2023-02-07)

  • Add option run-pre-commit = yes / no. Default: no. When set to true, pre commit hooks are run. This may interfere with releasing when they fail. [maurits]

7.2.0 (2022-12-09)

  • Auto-detect history_format based on history filename. [ericof]

  • Add history_format option, to explicitly set changelogs entries in Markdown. [ericof]

7.1.0 (2022-11-23)

  • Add the bumpversion options to the postrelease command. This means feature, breaking, and final. [rnc, maurits]

  • Add --final option to bumpversion command. This removes alpha / beta / rc markers from the version. [maurits]

  • Add support for Python 3.11, remove z3c.testsetup from test dependencies. [maurits]

7.0.0 (2022-09-09)

  • Optionally add prefix text to commit messages. This can be used ensure your messages follow some regular expression. To activate this, add prefix-message = [TAG] to a [zest.releaser] section in the setup.cfg of your package, or your global ~/.pypirc. Or add your favorite geeky quotes there. [LvffY]

7.0.0a3 (2022-04-04)

  • Bug 381: In prerelease, check with pep440 if the version is canonical. Added pep440 to the recommended extra, not to the core dependencies: zest.releaser can also be used for non-Python projects. [maurits]

7.0.0a2 (2022-02-10)

  • Add --headless option to longtest.

7.0.0a1 (2021-12-01)

Big cleanup to ease future development:

  • Removed support for Subversion (svn), Bazaar (bzr), Mercurial (hg).

  • Removed support for Python 2 and 3.5.

  • Added support for Python 3.9 and 3.10.

  • Tested with Python 3.6-3.10 plus PyPy3.

  • Switched from Travis to GitHub Actions.

  • Simplified running commands by using

6.22.2 (2021-10-29)

6.22.1 (2020-09-22)

  • When replacing new version in __version__ = "1.0", keep the existing quote style. We always replaced double with single quotes, but now we keep them. [graingert]

6.22.0 (2020-09-03)

  • Fixed deadlock when communicating with git-lfs, or anything else that gives back lots of output. [mcdeck]

  • Fixed TypeError setting unicode in environment on Python 2.7 on Windows. [mcdeck]

6.21.1 (2020-08-07)

  • Fixed uploading to multiple servers if we do not want to upload to the first server. Fixes issue #357. [maurits]

6.21.0 (2020-07-01)

  • Added support for Twine environment variables. Especially, setting TWINE_REPOSITORY and TWINE_REPOSITORY_URL had no effect previously. Fixes issue #353. [mctwynne]

6.20.1 (2020-02-21)

  • Added Dockerfile for much easier testing. See the developer documentation. Previously, getting the tests to run reliably locally was hard, now it is easy. [Behoston]

6.20.0 (2020-01-07)

  • Zest.releaser now sets an environment variable ZESTRELEASER so that tools that we call on the command line can detect us. Don’t depend on the variable’s textual content, just on the variable’s name.

6.19.1 (2019-09-03)

  • Percent signs (%) don’t crash addchangelogentry anymore.

6.19.0 (2019-06-03)

  • Do not go to the root of the repo by default. When you were not in the root of a repo, zest.releaser already asked if you wanted to go there. The default answer has now changed from yes to no. This might help when releasing from monorepos. Issue #326. [maurits]

6.18.2 (2019-04-10)

  • Remove nothing_changed_yet line from history lines in unreleased section. [kleschenko]

6.18.1 (2019-04-04)

  • Document that we only support underline-style headings for markdown. Fixes issue 317. [reinout]

  • Using simply git ls-files to list files in a git repo instead of an older much longer command. (Suggestion by @mgedmin). [reinout]

6.18.0 (2019-04-03)

  • Calling twine in a more generic way to let it automatically do the right thing. This saves us a lot of code and lets twine do what it’s good at. [htgoebel,reinout]

6.17.2 (2019-03-25)

  • When bdist_wheel is in setup.cfg, release a wheel. No longer check if this should be a universal wheel or not. That is handled automatically when calling python bdist_wheel. You can still set [zest.releaser] create-wheel = no to prevent creating a wheel. Fixes issue 315. [maurits]

6.17.1 (2019-03-19)

  • Also accept 201 as valid statuscode when uploading using twine Fixes issue 318 [fRiSi]

6.17.0 (2019-02-20)

  • Refuse to edit history header when it looks to be from an already released version. We look for a date in it (like 2019-02-20). Give a warning when this happens. Fixes issue 311. [maurits]

  • Better support for zestreleaser.towncrier (and similar extensions): the update_history setting is now also respected by the bumpversion command. Fixes issue 310. [maurits]

6.16.0 (2019-01-17)

  • Fix for issue #259: using zest.releaser on windows no longer can result in accidental extra \r (carriage return) characters in the changelog and your [reinout]

6.15.4 (2019-01-11)

  • We retain the existing quoting style for the version='1.0' in files. The “black” code formatting prefers double quotes and zest.releaser by default wrote single quotes. [reinout]

  • Fix for issue #299: bumpversion now also compares versions numerically instead of as a string, so 2.9 < 2.10 is now true. [reinout]

6.15.3 (2018-12-03)

  • Fix for issue #297: bytes+int problem on python 3 when detecting encodings. [reinout]

6.15.2 (2018-08-30)

  • If a tag already exists, zest.releaser asks a safety question. The location where the question gets asked was moved slightly to help a program that uses zest.releaser as a library. [reinout]

  • Switched our readthedocs urls to https. [reinout]

6.15.1 (2018-06-22)

  • Fix for #286: removed the confusing word “register” from the info message you got when a package wasn’t available yet on pypi.

    Registering isn’t used anymore on pypi, but it was still in our textual message. [reinout]

6.15.0 (2018-05-15)

  • Use, especially when checking if a package is on PyPI. Fixes issue #281. [maurits]

  • Added key update_history in prerelease and postrelease data. Plugins can use this to tell zest.releaser (and other plugins) to not touch the history, presumably because the plugin handles it. [maurits]

  • Declared requests dependency. Declared zope.testing test dependency. [maurits]

6.14.0 (2018-03-26)

  • Advertise setup.cfg option [zest.releaser] history-file. Usually zest.releaser can find the correct history or changelog file on its own. But sometimes it may not find anything, or it finds multiple files and selects the wrong one. Then you can set a path here. A history_file option with an underscore was already read, but not documented. Now we try both a dash and an underscore for good measure. [maurits]

  • Use new setup.cfg option [zest.releaser] encoding. Set this to, for example, utf-8 when the encoding of your CHANGES.rst file is not determined correctly. Fixes issue 264. [maurits]

  • When inserting changelog entry, check that it conforms to the existing encoding. Try to recover if there is a difference, especially when the changelog file was ascii and we insert utf-8. [maurits]

  • When determining encoding, first look for coding hints in the file itself. Only when that fails, we try tokenize or chardet. Fixes issue 264. [maurits]

  • Get PyPI password raw, without interpolation. If you had a password with a percentage sign, you could get an error. Fixes issue 271. [maurits]

  • Prevent unclosed files. Python 3.6 warned about them, and PyPy may have more problems with it. Fixed several other DeprecationWarnings. [maurits]

  • Print commands in a nicer way. You could get ugly output like this, especially on Python 2.7: INFO: The '[u'git', u'diff']': or worse: Command failed: u"t w i n e ' ' u p l o a d". [maurits]

  • Test compatibility with Python 2.7, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, PyPy2. [maurits]

6.13.5 (2018-02-16)

  • Quit in postrelease when we cannot find a version. Fixes issue #262 <>. [maurits]

6.13.4 (2018-02-05)

  • Fixed IOError when setup.cfg is missing and no version is found. [maurits]

6.13.3 (2017-12-19)

  • Fixed writing of files in original encoding on python3, too. [andreparames]

6.13.2 (2017-11-27)

  • Fixed tests with mercurial 4.4+. [maurits]

  • Fixed writing of files in original encoding. [mgedmin]

6.13.1 (2017-11-13)

  • Add tag message formatting (option tag-message). [htgoebel]

6.13.0 (2017-11-10)

  • Add support for signing tags (option tag-signing). [htgoebel]

6.12.5 (2017-09-25)

  • Sorting uploadable filenames so that wheels are uploaded first. (For most filesystems this happened automatically, but the order on OSX’ new filesystem is non-deterministic, so we added sorting.) [reinout]

  • Release process will now fail when specified hooks cannot be imported. (PR #236)

6.12.4 (2017-08-30)

  • Also support version in setup.cfg. [ewjoachim]

6.12.3 (2017-08-16)

  • Allows {version} format for tag-format. [leorochael]

6.12.2 (2017-07-13)

  • Subversion fix: create tag of entire trunk or branch when not in repo root. If you have trunk/pkg1 and trunk/pkg2 and you make tag 1.0 in directory pkg1, then until now we would create tags/1.0 with the contents of directory pkg1. Checking out the tag and changing to the pkg1 directory then failed. We now make a tag of the entire trunk or branch, just like in the other version control systems. Fixes issue #213. [maurits]

  • Do not needlessly run svn info. [maurits]

6.12.1 (2017-07-03)

  • Quote the path when making a git clone, to fix problems with spaces. [halkeye]

  • Fixed percentage signs in date-format in setup.cfg. You need double percentages. [mgedmin]

6.12 (2017-06-19)

  • Add date format in the config. Default is ISO-8601 (%Y-%m-%d). Put date-format = format string in your ~/.pypirc or setup.cfg. [mgedmin]

6.11 (2017-06-09)

  • If the package wants to build universal wheels by setting [bdist_wheel] universal = 1, then the default for create-wheel is now yes.

6.10 (2017-04-18)

  • Corner case fix: a top-level version = 1.0 in your is now also allowed to be in uppercase, like VERSION = 1.0. This fixes issue 216. [reinout]

6.9 (2017-02-17)

  • Add tag formatter in the config. This is a formatter that changes the name of the tag. Default is the same as the version. Put tag-format = a string in your ~/.pypirc or setup.cfg. It needs to contain %(version)s. [tcezard]

6.8.1 (2017-01-13)

  • Catch error when uploading first package file in new PyPI project. This fixes issue 206. [maurits]

6.8 (2016-12-30)

  • Before retrying a twine command, reload the pypi config. Then when the user fixes his account settings in ~/.pypirc and retries, these changes take effect. This used to work a while ago, but got broken. [maurits]

  • Added development-marker config option. With this can override the default .dev0. [drucci]

  • Added version-levels and less-zeroes options. This influences the suggested version. [maurits]

  • Allow .pypirc with just a pypi section. Previously, we required either a [server-login] section with a username option, or a [distutils] section with an index-servers option. Failing this, we gave a warning about a not properly configured file, and happily continued without uploading anything. Now if there is something missing from the pypirc file, we give an error and explicitly ask if you want to continue without uploading. Fixes issue #199.

    Note for developers of extensions for zest.releaser: this removes the is_old_pypi_config and is_new_pypi_config methods, because they made no sense anymore. If you were using these, see if you can use the distutils_server method instead. [maurits]

  • Added push-changes config file option. Default: yes. When this is false, zest.releaser sets no as default answer for the question if you want to push the changes to the remote. [newlog]

  • By default no longer register a new package, but only upload it. Registering a package is no longer needed on PyPI: uploading a new distribution takes care of this. If you do want to register, maybe because a different package server requires it, then in your setup.cfg or ~/.pypirc, use the following:

    register = yes

    Fixes issue 191. [willowmck]

6.7.1 (2016-12-22)

  • Create the list of distributions after the before_upload hook has fired. This allows the before_upload hook to create additional distributions, which will then be uploaded. [t-8ch]

6.7 (2016-10-23)

  • Use the intended API of twine. This should work with twine 1.6.0 and higher, including future versions. [maurits]

6.6.5 (2016-09-12)

6.6.4 (2016-02-24)

  • Really create a shallow git clone when creating a distribution. See issue #169. [maurits]

6.6.3 (2016-02-24)

  • Using a “shallow” git clone when creating a distribution. This speeds up releases, especially on big repositories. See issue #169. [gforcada]

6.6.2 (2016-02-11)

  • Added no-input option also to global (.pypirc) options. Issue #164. [jcerjak]

6.6.1 (2016-02-02)

  • Fixed version in changelog after bumpversion call. [maurits]

6.6.0 (2016-01-29)

  • Added bumpversion command. Options --feature and --breaking. Issue #160. The exact behavior might change in future versions after more practical experience. Try it out and report any issues you find. [maurits]

  • Fixed possible encoding problems when writing files. This is especially for an ascii file to which we add non ascii characters, like in the addchangelogentry command. [maurits]

  • Added addchangelogentry command. Issue #159. [maurits]

  • Moved _diff_and_commit, _push and _grab_version to, as the first was duplicated and the second and third may be handy for other code too. _grab_version is the basic implementation, and is overridden in the prereleaser. [maurits]

  • Show changelog of current release before asking for the new version number. Issue #155. [maurits]

  • Moved _diff_and_commit, _push and _grab_version to, as the first was duplicated and the second and third may be handy for other code too. _grab_version is the basic implementation, and is overridden in the prereleaser. [maurits]

6.5 (2016-01-05)

  • Adjusted bin/longtest for the (necessary) rename of the readme library to readme_renderer. Fixes #153

    Note: the current readme package on pypi is broken to force an upgrade. If you use an older zest.releaser, you have to pin readme to 0.6.0, it works just fine. [reinout]

6.4 (2015-11-13)

  • Fixed error when retrying twine command. Fixes #148 [maurits]

6.3 (2015-11-11)

  • Fixed exception when logging an exception when a twine command fails. [maurits]

6.2 (2015-10-29)


  • Use twine as library instead of as command. You no longer need to have twine on your PATH. Fixes issue #142. [maurits]

6.1 (2015-10-29)


  • Fixed registering on servers other than PyPI. We forgot to specify the server in that case. [maurits]

6.0 (2015-10-27)

  • Made twine a core dependency. We now always use it for registering and uploading. We require at least version 1.6.0, as this introduces the register command. [maurits]

  • When uploading with twine first use the twine register command. On PyPI, when the project is already registered, we do not call it again, but we can only check this for PyPI, not for other servers. Issue #128. [maurits]

  • Always exit with error code 1 when we exit explicitly. In some cases we would exit with success code 0 when we exited based on the answer to a question. This happened when the user did not want us to create the missing tags directory in subversion, and also after asking if the user wanted to continue even though ‘nothing changed yet’ was in the history. [maurits]

  • Extensions can now tell zest.releaser to look for specific required words in the history. Just add required_changelog_text to the prerelease data. It can be a string or a list, for example ["New:", "Fixes:"]. For a list, only one of them needs to be present. [maurits]

  • Look for the ‘Nothing changed yet’ text in the complete text of the history entries of the current release, instead of looking at it line by line. This means that zest releaser extensions can overwrite nothing_changed_yet in the prerelease data to span multiple lines. [maurits]

  • zest.releaser extensions can now look at history_insert_line_here in the prerelease data. On this line number in the history file they can add an extra changelog entry if wanted. [maurits]

  • Added history_last_release to the prerelease data. This is the text with all history entries of the current release. [maurits]

  • When using the --no-input option, show the question and the chosen answer. Otherwise in case of a problem it is not clear why the command stopped. Fixes issue #136. [maurits]

5.7 (2015-10-14)

  • The history/changelog file is now written back with the originally detected encoding. The functionality was added in 5.2, but only used for writing the, not the changelog. This is fixed now. [reinout]

5.6 (2015-09-23)

  • Add support for PyPy. [jamadden]

5.5 (2015-09-05)

  • The bin/longtest command adds the correct utf-8 character encoding hint to the resulting html so that non-ascii long descriptions are properly rendered in all browsers. [reinout]

5.4 (2015-08-28)

  • Requiring at least version 0.6 of the (optional, btw) readme package. The API of readme changed slightly. Only needed when you want to check your package’s long description with bin/longtest. [reinout]

5.3 (2015-08-21)

  • Fixed typo in svn command to show the changelog since the last tag. [awello]

5.2 (2015-07-27)

  • When we find no version control in the current directory, look a few directories up. When looking for version and history files, we look in the current directory and its sub directories, and not in the repository root. After making a tag checkout, we change directory to the same relative path that we were in before. You can use this when you want to release a Python package that is in a sub directory of the repository. When we detect this, we first offer to change to the root directory of the repository. [maurits]

  • Write file with the same encoding that we used for reading them. Issue #109. [maurits]

5.1 (2015-06-11)

  • Fix writing history/changelog file with non-ascii. Issue #109. [maurits]

  • Release zest.releaser as universal wheel, so one wheel for Python 2 and 3. As usual, we release it also as a source distribution. [maurits]

  • Regard “Skipping installation of (namespace package)” as warning, printing it in magenta. This can happen when creating a wheel. Issue #108. [maurits]

5.0 (2015-06-05)

  • Python 3 support. [mitchellrj]

  • Use the same readme library that PyPI uses to parse long descriptions when we test and render them. [mitchellrj]

4.0 (2015-05-21)

  • Try not to treat warnings as errors. [maurits]

  • Allow retrying some commands when there is an error. Currently only for commands that talk to PyPI or another package index. We ask the user if she wants to retry: Yes, no, quit. [maurits]

  • Added support for twine. If the twine command is available, it is used for uploading to PyPI. It is installed automatically if you use the zest.releaser[recommended] extra. Note that if the twine command is not available, you may need to change your system PATH or need to install twine explicitly. This seems more needed when using zc.buildout than when using pip. Added releaser.before_upload entry point. Issue #59. [maurits]

  • Added check-manifest and pyroma to the recommended extra. Issue #49. [maurits]

  • Python 2.6 not officially supported anymore. It may still work, but we are no longer testing against it. [maurits]

  • Do not accept y or n as answer for a new version. [maurits]

  • Use colorama to output errors in red. Issue #86 [maurits]

  • Show errors when uploading to PyPI. They were unintentionally swallowed before, so you did not notice when an upload failed. Issue #84. [maurits]

  • Warn when between the last postrelease and a new prerelease no changelog entry has been added. ‘- Nothing changed yet’ would still be in there. Issue #26. [maurits]

  • Remove code for support of collective.sdist. That package was a backport from distutils for Python 2.5 and earlier, which we do not support. [maurits]

  • Add optional support for uploading Python wheels. Use the new zest.releaser[recommended] extra, or run pip install wheel yourself next to zest.releaser. Create or edit setup.cfg in your project (or globally in your ~/.pypirc) and create a section [zest.releaser] with create-wheel = yes to create a wheel to upload to PyPI. See for deciding whether this is a good idea for your package. Briefly, if it is a pure Python 2 or pure Python 3 package: just do it. Issue #55 [maurits]

  • Optionally add extra text to commit messages. This can be used to avoid running Travis Continuous Integration builds. See To activate this, add extra-message = [ci skip] to a [zest.releaser] section in the setup.cfg of your package, or your global ~/.pypirc. Or add your favorite geeky quotes there. [maurits]

  • Fix a random test failure on Travis CI, by resetting AUTO_RESPONSE. [maurits]

  • Added clarification to logging: making an sdist/wheel now says that it is being created in a temp folder. Fixes #61. [reinout]

3.56 (2015-03-18)

  • No need anymore to force .zip for sdist. Issue #76 [reinout]

  • Still read setup.cfg even if ~/.pypirc is wrong or missing. Issue #74 [tomviner]

3.55 (2015-02-03)

  • Experimental work to ignore setuptools’ stderr output. This might help with some of the version warnings, which can break zest.releaser’s output parsing. [reinout]

  • Fix for #72. Grabbing the version from the on windows can fail with an “Invalid Signature” error because setuptools cannot find the crypto dll. Fixed by making sure setuptools gets the full os.environ including the SYSTEMROOT variable. [codewarrior0]

3.54 (2014-12-29)

  • Blacklisting debian/changelog when searching for changelog-like filenames as it gets picked in favour of docs/changelog.rst. The debian one is by definition unreadable for us.

3.53.2 (2014-11-21)

  • Additional fix to 3.53: version.rst (and .md) also needed to be looked up in a second spot.

3.53 (2014-11-10)

  • Also allowing .md extension in addition to .rst/.txt/.markdown for CHANGES.txt. [reinout]

  • Similarly, version.txt (if you use that for can now be version.rst or .md/.markdown, too. [reinout]

3.52 (2014-07-17)

3.51 (2014-07-17)

3.50 (2014-01-16)

  • Changed command “hg manifest” to “hg locate” to list files in Mercurial. The former prints out file permissions along with the file name, causing a bug. [rafaelbco]

3.49 (2013-12-06)

  • Support git-svn checkouts with the default “origin/” prefix. [kuno]

3.48 (2013-11-26)

  • When using git, checkout submodules. [dnozay]

3.47 (2013-09-25)

3.46 (2013-06-28)

  • Support actually updating VERSION as well. Issue #43.

3.45 (2013-04-17)

  • Supporting VERSION (without extension) in addition to the old-zope-products-VERSION.txt files.

3.44 (2013-03-21)

  • Added optional python-file-with-version setting for the [zest.releaser] section in setup.cfg. If set, zest.releaser extracts the version from that file’s __version__ attribute. (See PEP 396).

  • File writes now use the platform’s default line endings instead of always writing \n unix style line endings. (Technically, we write using w instead of wb mode).

  • Added link to other documentation sources in the sphinx docs.

  • Noting in our pypi classifiers that we support python 2.6+, not python 2.4/2.5. Slowly things will creep into zest.releaser’s code that break compatibility with those old versions. And we want to get it to work on python 3 and that’s easier with just 2.6/2.7 support.

3.43 (2013-02-04)

3.42 (2013-01-07)

  • When finding multiple version, changes or history files, pick the one with the shortest path. [maurits]

  • Support project-specific hooks listed in setup.cfg. [iguananaut]

3.41 (2012-11-02)

  • Getting the version from can give a traceback if the has an error. During prerelease this would result in a proposed version of ‘Traceback’. Now we print the traceback and quit. [maurits]

3.40 (2012-10-13)

  • Support svn (1.7+) checkouts that are not directly in the root. Only applies when someone checks out a whole tree and wants to release one of the items in a subdirectory. Fixes #27.

3.39 (2012-09-26)

  • Only search for files in version control. This is when finding a history file or version.txt file. We should not edit files that are not in our package. Fixes issue #22. [maurits]

3.38 (2012-09-25)

  • Fixed svn tag extraction on windows: a \r could end up at the end of every tag name. Thanks Wouter Vanden Hove for reporting it!

  • Small fixes to the developers documentation and to the automatic travis CI tests configuration.

3.37 (2012-07-14)

  • Documentation update! Started sphinx documentation at Removed documentation from the README and put it into sphinx.

  • Actually ask if the user wants to continue with the release when there is no We asked for a yes/no answer, but the question was missing. [maurits]

3.36 (2012-06-26)

  • Improved changes/history file detection and fixed the documentation at this point. We now recognize CHANGES, HISTORY and CHANGELOG with .rst, .txt, .markdown and with no extension.

  • Set up travis CI integration. Our tests pass on python 2.5, 2.6 and 2.7.

3.35 (2012-06-21)

3.34 (2012-03-20)

  • In the warning about a missing file, also suggest to install setuptools_subversion/git, etc. Fixes issue #4. [maurits]

3.33 (2012-03-20)

  • Fix python 2.4 issues with tarfile by always creating a zip file. Formerly we would only do this when using python2.4 for doing the release, but a tarball sdist created by python2.6 could still break when the end user is using python 2.4. [kiorky]

3.32 (2012-03-09)

3.31 (2012-02-23)

  • Fixed test for unadvised egg_info commands on tag, which could result in a ConfigParser error. [maurits]

3.30 (2011-12-27)

  • Added some more PyPI classifiers. Tested with Python 2.4, 2,4, 2.6, and 2.7. [maurits]

  • Moved changes of 3.15 and older to docs/HISTORY.txt. [maurits]

  • Added GPL license text in the package. [maurits]

  • Updated README.txt. Added [maurits]

3.29 (2011-12-27)

  • In postrelease create a version number like 1.0.dev0. See [maurits]

  • Offer to cleanup setup.cfg on the tag when releasing. You do not want tag_build or tag_svn_revision options in a release usually. [maurits]

  • For convenience also print the tag checkout location when only doing a release (instead of a fullrelease). [maurits]

3.28 (2011-11-18)

  • Git: in pre/postrelease only check for uncommitted changes in files that are already tracked. [maurits]

3.27 (2011-11-12)

  • Postrelease now offers (=asks) to push your changes to the server if you’re using hg or git.

  • Support for some legacy projects, often converted from CVS, have multiple subprojects under a single trunk. The trunk part from the top level project isn’t erroneously stripped out anymore. Thanks to Marc Sibson for the fix.

3.26 (2011-11-01)

  • Added sanity check before doing a prerelease so you are warned when you are about to commit on a tag instead of a branch (or trunk or master). [maurits]

3.25 (2011-10-28)

  • Removed special handling of subversion lower than 1.7 when searching for the history/changes file. In corner cases it may be that we find a wrong HISTORY.txt or CHANGES.txt file when you have it buried deep in your directory structure. Please move it to the root then, which is the proper place for it. [maurits]

  • Fixed finding a history/changes file that is in a sub directory when using subversion 1.7 or higher or bazaar. [maurits]

3.24 (2011-10-19)

  • Note: you may need to install setuptools_subversion when you use subversion 1.7. If you suddenly start missing files in the sdists you upload to PyPI you definitely need it. Alternatively: set up a proper as that method works with any version control system. [maurits]

  • Made compatible with subversion 1.7 (the only relevant change is in the code that checks if a tags or tag directory already exists). Earlier versions of subversion are of course still supported. [maurits]

  • Code repository moved to github: [maurits]

3.23 (2011-09-28)

3.22 (2011-05-05)

  • Allow specifying a tag on the command line when using lasttaglog or lasttagdiff, to show the log or diff since that tag instead of the latest. Useful when you are on a branch and the last tag was from trunk. [maurits]

3.21 (2011-04-20)

  • Added lasttaglog command that list the log since the last tag. [maurits]

  • Fix Mercurial (hg) support. As spreaded_internal should be set to False (as it happens with git) [erico_andrei]

  • Accept a twiggle (or whatever ‘~’ is called) when searching for headers in a changelog; seen in some packages (at least zopeskel.dexterity). [maurits]

3.20 (2011-01-25)

  • Also allowing CHANGES.rst and CHANGES.markdown in addition to CHANGES.txt.

3.19 (2011-01-24)

  • No longer refuse to register and upload a package on pypi if it is not there yet, forcing people to do this manually the first time. Instead, we ask the question and simply have ‘No’ as the default answer. If you specify an answer, we require exactly typing ‘yes’ or ‘no’. The idea is still to avoid making it too easy to release an internal package on pypi by accident. [maurits]

3.18 (2010-12-08)

3.17 (2010-11-17)

  • When the package that is being released neither has a nor a setup.cfg, use No as default answer for creating a checkout of the tag. [maurits]

3.16 (2010-11-15)

  • For (pypi) output, also show the first few lines instead of only the last few. [maurits]

  • See if pypirc or setup.cfg has a [zest.releaser] section with option release = yes/no. During the release stage, this influences the default answer when asked if you want to make a checkout of the tag. The default when not set, is ‘yes’. You may want to set this to ‘no’ if most of the time you only make releaser of internal packages for customers and only need the tag. [maurits]

  • Specify bazaar (bzr) tag numbers using the ‘tag’ revision specifier (like ‘tag:0.1’) instead of only the tag number (0.1) to add compatibility with earlier bzr versions (tested with 2.0.2). [maurits]

3.15 (2010-09-10)

  • Read pypi config not only from the .pypirc file, but also from the setup.cfg file of the package. Patch by Erico Andrei. [maurits]

3.14 (2010-08-26)

  • experimental support for git svn tagging, fully test-covered [chaoflow]

  • fail if no tag was created, not test-covered [chaoflow]

  • svn available_tags method: intercept ‘Repository moved’ note in svn info and stop processing then. [maurits]

3.13 (2010-08-16)

  • Fixed check that tested whether a package was already available on pypi, as the pypi implementation changed slightly. We now just check for a 404 status. Patch by Wolfgang Schnerring. [maurits]

3.12 (2010-07-22)

  • Added extra entry point for the release step: after_checkout. When this is run, the middle entry point has been handled, the tag has been made, a checkout of that tag has been made and we are now in that checkout directory. Idea: Jan-Wijbrand Kolman. [maurits]

  • Fix: in the zest.releaser.releaser.after entry point data, pass the ‘tagdir’ value (if a checkout has been made). Patch by Wolfgang Schnerring, thanks! [maurits]

  • Fixed tests to also pass with slightly newer git. [maurits]

3.11 (2010-06-25)

  • Small tweak: allowing zc.rst2’s “rst2 html” in addition to docutils’ own “rst2html”.

3.10 (2010-06-15)

  • Fix : when running ‘release’ with python2.6 against a private egg server, the distutils ‘register’ command would run against PyPI while ‘upload’ command would run against private server. (-r option needs to be stated twice) [gotcha]

3.9 (2010-06-11)

  • Again at the end of a fullrelease report the location of the directory containing the checkout of the tag, if it has been made. [maurits]

3.8 (2010-05-28)

  • Also allowing CHANGES in addition to HISTORY.txt and CHANGES.txt as a history filename. Keeps several Django packages happy.

3.7 (2010-05-07)

3.6 (2010-04-13)

  • A version='1.0', string inside the setup() call no longer has non-pep8 spaces around the =. Fixes [reinout]

  • Got rid of ugly hack with UltraMagicString that was meant to avoid encoding errors when registering this package at pypi but which was not working for python2.4 (at least with collective.dist). Only ascii is allowed in the long_description if you want to avoid problems at one point or another. [maurits]

3.5 (2010-02-26)

  • Treat CHANGES.txt and HISTORY.txt the same: the first that is found in a directory is chosen for changing, instead of first looking everywhere for a HISTORY.txt and then for a CHANGES.txt. [maurits]

3.4 (2010-02-02)

  • Always build zip files if using python2.4 [do3cc]

  • bugfix: added ‘spreaded_internal’ property to BaseVersionControl objects, so filefind() does not exclude a directory just because there is no ‘.git’ folder in it. It still excludes directory where there is no ‘.svn’ folder in SVN repositories. [vincent]

3.3 (2009-12-29)

  • Fixed test failures when run on a computer with a new style pypi config. We now always use an old style config when running the tests. [maurits]

  • Fixed the release command for hg 1.1 (e.g. Ubuntu 9.04). [maurits]

3.2 (2009-12-22)

  • Replaced commands.getoutput() with a system() function grabbed from buildout on suggestion by Adam Groszer. Goal: make zest.releaser work also on windows.

  • Improved entry point documentation.

  • Added launchpad bugtracker at (and pointing at that in the documentation).

3.1 (2009-11-27)

  • Added documentation for entry points. [reinout]

3.0 (2009-11-27)

  • Added support for extension by means of entry points. There is no documentation that advertises it yet as I want to treat it as experimental till I’ve used it a few times. [reinout]

2.12 (2009-11-26)

  • Fixed mercurial sdist creation. [reinout]

  • A missing history file does not result anymore in a keyerror in prerelease. [reinout]

  • Added lots of test output normalization so that errors aren’t hidden by the large number of ... in the doctests. [reinout]

2.11 (2009-11-25)

  • Added /tag besides /tags for subversion [gotcha]

  • Fixed tests failures. [gotcha]

2.10 (2009-10-22)

  • Added support for git. [reinout]

  • Lots of internal refactoring and small fixes. [reinout]

  • Started tests. zest.releaser went from 0 to 94% coverage. [reinout]

2.9.3 (2009-09-22)

  • Uploading to multiple package indexes should now work in python2.6 (though ironically it now does not work for me on python2.4, but that has nothing to do with zest.releaser.) Added documentation for this. [maurits]

  • Make sure the next version suggestion for 1.0rc6 is 1.0rc7. [maurits]

  • In subversion, first try to get the package from the before falling back to the svn info, just like for mercurial. This fixes the problem that e.g. Products.feedfeeder was not recognized as being on pypi as the svn directory name was feedfeeder. [maurits]

2.9.2 (2009-09-17)

  • Umlauts in a changelog don’t break the logger anymore when using python2.6.2 when the umlauts turn up in the diff. This is due to a 2.6.2 regression bug, see Should be fixed in 2.6.3 when it comes out. [reinout]

  • (Release 2.9 and 2.9.1 are unreleased because of a setuptools bug with, sigh, non-ascii characters which made a dirty hack necessary). [reinout]

2.8 (2009-08-27)

  • Fixed the release command when used in a french environment. In French “svn info” returns ‘URL :’, not ‘URL:’. [vincentfretin]

2.7 (2009-07-08)

  • Before asking for its version or name, first run egg_info, as that may get rid of some warnings that otherwise end up in the extracted version or name, like UserWarnings. [maurits]

2.6 (2009-05-25)

  • Small change: the questions don’t print a newline anymore after the question (and before the user pressed enter). This makes it clearer if enter has been pressed yet. Suggestion by jkolman. [reinout]

2.5 (2009-05-20)

  • Revert to previous behaviour: when a package has not been released yet on pypi, decline to register it: the first time should be deliberate and manual, to avoid accidentally uploading client packages to pypi. [maurits]

2.4 (2009-05-15)

  • Factored out into a new, solving a few possible problems with missing or misconfigured .pypirc files. [maurits]

2.3 (2009-05-11)

  • Fixed release script when the .pypirc file does not contain a distutils section or that section does not contain a index-servers option. [maurits]

2.2 (2009-05-11)

2.1 (2009-04-09)

  • Fix lasttagdiff command to work with Mercurial by truncating the ‘+’ character from the revision id, since that only indicates uncommitted changes exist.

  • Make sure we find package/name/HISTORY.txt before we find docs/HISTORY.txt. [maurits]

  • Fixed checking for self.internal_filename: we would incorrectly check (‘.’, ‘s’, ‘v’, ‘n’) instead of ‘.svn’. [maurits]

2.0 (2009-04-01)

  • Added tag_url method to get lasttagdiff (and zest.stabilizer) working again. [maurits]

  • Merged kteague-multi-vcs branch with, woohoo, mercurial support! [reinout]

  • Mercurial support by Kevin Teague. [kteague]

  • postrelease put a space in the new version number in (between version number and dev). Removed this space as it is not necessary (in best case). [icemac]

1.13 (2009-03-17)

  • Also looking for CHANGES in addition to HISTORY.txt and CHANGES.txt as some packages use that convention. [reinout]

  • Added lasttagdiff command that shows the diff between the last release and the currently committed trunk. Handy for checking whether the changelog is up to date. [reinout]

1.12 (2009-03-17)

  • When doing a fullrelease and if the release step made a checkout of the tag into an temp directory, that temp directory is again printed after fullrelease finishes. Otherwise you’ve got to do a lot of scrolling. [reinout]

1.11 (2009-03-04)

  • When the found history file contains no version headings, look for a second history file: more than once I have the standard docs/HISTORY.txt that paster creates and I just add a pointer there to the real package/name/HISTORY.txt. [maurits]

1.10 (2009-02-25)

  • A `` version = ‘1.0’,`` in is now also rewritten correctly. Previously just a version = '1.0' would be injected, so without indentation and comma. [reinout]

  • Ask before checking out the tag. Sometimes the checkout is huge and you know you don’t want it. You don’t get asked for a pypi upload, though if you don’t check out the tag. [reinout]

1.9 (2009-02-24)

  • ‘release’ now also makes a tag checkout in a temporary directory. [Reinout]

  • Made ‘longtest’ work on Linux as there the command is ‘rst2html’ and apparently on the Mac it is ‘’. [maurits]

1.8 (2009-02-23)

  • Added ‘longtest’ command that renders a’s long description and opens it in a web browser. [reinout]

1.7 (2009-02-16)

  • Supporting alternative history version header format: ‘version - date’. [reinout]

1.6 (2009-02-14)

  • Patch by Michael Howitz: sys.executable is used instead of a string that doesn’t work on every system. [reinout]

1.5 (2009-02-11)

  • Changed y/n into Y/n, so defaulting to ‘yes’. [reinout]

  • Improved the documentation. [reinout]

  • When a yes/no question is asked, do not treat ‘no’ as the default but explicitly ask for an input – it was too easy to press enter and wrongly expect ‘yes’ as default. [maurits]

1.4 (2008-10-23)

  • Fixed missing import of utils. [maurits]

1.3 (2008-10-23)

  • Moved stabilize script to zest.stabilizer so that zest.releaser is just for releasing individual packages. Nice, tidy, reusable. [reinout]

  • Allowing ‘-v’ option on all commands: it gives you debug-level logging. [reinout]

1.2 (2008-10-16)

  • We now prefer the version from over any version.txt file found. When getting or changing the version we get/change the version when it differs from the found version.txt version. [maurits]

1.1 (2008-10-15)

  • Cleaned out zest-specific stuff. Cleaned up ‘release’. [reinout]

1.0 (2008-10-15)

  • Stabilize looks up the most recent tag of our development packages and uses gp.svndevelop to allow svn checkouts as development eggs. [reinout]

  • Do not look for version.txt in directories that are not handled by subversion. Use case: Products.feedfeeder, which has a buildout.cfg and so can have a parts directory with lots of version.txt files… [maurits]

0.9 (2008-10-02)

  • release: offer to register and upload the egg to the cheese shop. After that you still have the option to upload to our own tgz server. [maurits]

  • postrelease: for the suggestion of a new version simply try add 1 to the last character in the version; the previous logic failed for example for ‘1.0b3’. [maurits]

  • prerelease: ask user to enter next version (give him a suggestion). Handy when you want to change ‘1.0b3 dev’ into ‘1.0’. [maurits]

  • Started ‘stabilize’. [reinout]

0.8 (2008-09-26)

  • fullrelease: change back to the original directory after each pre/actual/post release step. [maurits]

  • release: switch back to original directory when ready to fix ‘commit to tag’ error. [maurits]

  • prerelease: quit when no version is found. [maurits]

  • Reverted sleeping fix from 0.7 as it did not work. [maurits]

0.7 (2008-09-26)

  • fullrelease: hopefully fix a ‘commit on tag’ bug by sleeping three seconds before doing the post release. [maurits]

0.6 (2008-09-26)

  • Added fullrelease script that does a prerelease, actual release and post release in one go. [maurits]

0.5 (2008-09-26)

  • Factored part of prerelease.check_version() out into utils.cleanup_version(). We now use that while setting the version in the history during postrelease. [maurits]

  • Add newline at the end of the generated version.txt. [maurits]

0.4 (2008-09-26)

  • Made the logging userfriendly.

0.3 (2008-09-26)

  • Postrelease: Better injection of history. Various other robustness fixes.

0.2 (2008-09-26)

  • postrelease: added suggestion for new version (a plain enter is enough to accept it). [reinout]

  • prerelease: ask before changing version + solidified regex for heading detection. [reinout]

  • prerelease: detect non-development versions better and change them. [maurits]

  • prerelease: made the commit message read: ‘Preparing release xxx’. [maurits]

  • postrelease: made the new version something like ‘1.0 dev’. [maurits]

  • postrelease: we now add some lines to the history now. [maurits]

  • prerelease: try changing the version to a non-development version, stripping off something like ‘(…)’. [maurits]

  • release: Refactored so has the ‘main’ function required by [maurits]

0.1 (2008-09-24)

  • Got a basic version of the prerelease script working (version check, history file updating, committing). [reinout]

  • Started by copying the guidelines script. [reinout]