Version handling ================ Where does the version come from? --------------------------------- A version number is essentially what zest.releaser cannot do without. A version number can come from various different locations: - The ```` file. Two styles are supported:: version = '1.0' def setup( version=version, name='... and also:: def setup( version='1.0', name='... - The ``pyproject.toml`` file. zest.releaser will look for something like:: [project] name = "..." version = "1.0" - The ``setup.cfg`` file. zest.releaser will look for something like:: [metadata] name = ... version = 1.0 - If no ```` is found, zest.releaser looks for a ``version.txt`` file. It should contain just a version number (a newline at the end is OK). Originally the ``version.txt`` was only meant to support really old and ancient `Plone `_ packages, but it turned out to be quite useful for non-Python packages, too. A completely static website, for instance, that you *do* want to release and that you *do* want a changelog for. - A ``__version__`` attribute in a Python file. You need to tell zest.releaser *which* Python file by adding (or updating) the ``setup.cfg`` file next to the ````. You need a ``[zest.releaser]`` header and a ``python-file-with-version`` option:: [zest.releaser] python-file-with-version = mypackage/ Alternatively, in ``pyproject.toml``, you can use the following:: [tool.zest-releaser] python-file-with-version = "mypackage/" Because you need to configure this explicitly, this option takes precedence over any ````, ``setup.cfg`` or ``pyproject.toml`` package version, or ``version.txt`` file. Where is the version number being set? -------------------------------------- Of those four locations where the version can come from, only the first one found is also set to the new value again. Zest.releaser assumes that there's only *one* location. `According to PEP 396 `_, the version should have **one** source and all the others should be derived from it. Using the version number in ```` or ``setup.cfg`` as ``__version__`` ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here are opinionated suggestions from the zest.releaser main authors about how to use the version information. For some other ideas, see the `zest.releaser issue 37 `_ discussion. - The version in the ```` is the real version. - Add a ``__version__`` attribute in your main module. Often this will be an ````. Set this version attribute with ``pkg_resources``, which is automatically installed as part of setuptools/distribute. Here's `the code `_ from ``zest/releaser/``:: import pkg_resources __version__ = pkg_resources.get_distribution("zest.releaser").version This way you can do:: >>> import zest.releaser >>> zest.releaser.__version__ '3.44' - If you use `Sphinx `_ for generating your documentation, use the same ``pkg_resources`` trick to set the version and release in your Sphinx's ````. See `zest.releaser's `_.