Information for developers of zest.releaser

Running tests

We like to use zc.buildout to get a test environment with any versions of needed python packages pinned. When you are in the root folder of your zest.releaser checkout, do this:

$ python  # Or a different python version.
$ bin/buildout
$ bin/test

Python versions

The tests currently pass on python 2.4 (probably), 2.5 and 2.6 and 2.7. Using 2.6.2 specifically will give test failures. Travis continuous integration tests 2.5, 2.6 and 2.7 for us automatically.

Necessary programs

To run the tests, you need to have the supported versioning systems installed: svn, hg (mercurial), git and git-svn. On ubuntu:

$ sudo apt-get install subversion git bzr mercurial git-svn

There may be test failures when you have different versions of these programs. In that case, please investigate as these may be genuine errors.

Setuptools is needed

You also need distribute (or setuptools) in your system path. This is because we basically call ‘sys.executable egg_info’ directly (in the tests and in the actual code), which will give an import error on setuptools otherwise. There is a branch with a hack that solves this but it sounds too hacky.

Configuration for mercurial, bzr and git

For mercurial you may get test failures because of extra output like this:

No username found, using 'name@domain' instead.

To avoid this, create a file ~/.hgrc with something like this in it:

username = Author Name <email@address.domain>

If you keep having problems, Ubuntu explains it quite good.

There is a similar problem with bazaar. Since bzr version 2.2, it refuses to guess what your username and email is, so you have to set it once, like this, otherwise you get test failures:

$ bzr whoami "Author Name <email@address.domain>"

And the same for git, so you should do:

$ git config --global "Your Name"
$ git config --global

For release testing we expected a functioning .pypirc file in your home dir, with an old-style configuration, but the tests now use an own config file.